10 women – 10 self portraits

Gabriola Arts and Heritage Center
Opening reception Friday September 15, 7-9 PM. Show is up until end of day on Saturday Sept 16, 11 AM – 4 PM

I chose to submit this piece because, as they say, all art is self referential, and this is how I feel on many days.

Joking aside…

In this piece “I Can’t Hear You” I use fishing line as symbolism for the chaos of thoughts and how we can get tangled in them.

Please read about the exhibition in this interview with Sheila Norgate

Henigman Bruce – I Can’t Hear You, Cast Encaustic, book, fishing line, and found objects, 5.5″w x 11″h x 9″d
Henigman Bruce – I Can’t Hear You, Cast Encaustic, book, fishing line, and found objects, 5.5″w x 11″h x 9″d



Kim Exhibitions