About this exhibition by Jarvis Hall
It is time again for me to have a look outside of our regular roster of artists and curate an exhibition inviting artists that I admire to hang on our walls. Last August our first Summer Survey Bring The Noise was a great success and a point of conversation throughout the year with collectors and artists alike. It is in this spirit of thought provoking exhibitions that I present to you Summer Survey II, featuring:
Paintings by Janine Hall (courtesy of the Weiss Gallery), Becky McMaster, Elena Evanoff, Marianne Gerlinger and Leslie Sweder. Drawings by Debra Rushfeldt. Sculpture by Donna White, Kim Bruce , Jen Somerville and Shelley Ouellet. Photographs by Angela Inglis.
We are not having a title for this year’s summer survey show. I had intended to come up with a clever or insightful title referencing the fact that all of the exhibiting artists are women. I have decided that gender is not the point of this exhibition at all. The art is, as it should be, the thing. During studio visits I realized that while the energy was coming from a feminine place the impact of the work did not rely on this information. I was encouraged as a curator, to realize that I was looking at commanding artworks. To say that I am attempting to curate an exhibition that opens a feminist dialogue would be wrong. This exhibition is an honest survey of what is happening in the studios of artists that I admire. The hope is for the audience to be inspired by the variety of vision these artists bring to this exhibition.
Jarvis Hall
Work in Exhibition