These are the pieces that will be shown at Housatonic Museum of Art, Bridgeport CT. Jan 21 to Feb 20, 2014 Reception: Thursday, Feb. 6th, 5 – 7 pm. Free and open to the public Kim Bruce gratefully acknowledges the grant support from the A.F.A. to produce the work in the Heels series. 4 pieces…
Read moreIrony of a Studio Accident
So I have kind of an ironic story about a studio accident I had with these pins I use so much in my art. I was snipping some with wire cutters and try as I may to contain the pieces some went here and there around my studio floor. One stray went straight into the…
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If you read my post about my work with Pins & Needles you will probably appreciate my work with hair. I work with fine false wig hair as opposed to actual human hair for a couple of reasons. First I think that human hair should be donated to create wigs for people who have lost…
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People are either totally fascinated or disturbed by my use of pins and needles in my work and very rarely immune . Since I prefer to work with opposites I find these opposing viewpoints are very apt. I believe my work gets its balance both visually and ethereally by using contrasting elements. When you think…
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